Thursday, June 16, 2011

Richard Simmons + Greater Exuma Island = Amazaing Body Smooth Transitions...

May 30th, 2011
Mary Christ Anderson
Fitness Magazine
125 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Dear Ms. Anderson:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Smooth Transitions family.  Our mission is to provide men and women health, fitness, spa and style in three to fourteen day packages.  While tending to our customers specific needs to change mentally and physically, they will also soak in the overall breathtaking experience of Great Exuma Island, Bahamas.  Smooth Transitions is closing out the summer with a 6-day customized packaged deal at our location in Exuma.  Our host, Richard Simmons, is joining our circle August 20th - August 26th to assist our clients for six days.    

Give your readers something to get excited for and feed off of.  The legendary Richard Simmons, is an American fitness personality who promotes weight-loss programs.  Through the success of his health club, Simmons draws media attention.  His flamboyant personality and sweating to oldies will attract thousands.  He will kick off each sunrise and sunset with a different workout routine on the Exuma beach.  This is a bonus in addition to our health, spa and style components of the package.  What better opportunity can you give your readers and what fitness dedicated individual wouldn’t want the opportunity to meet face to face for six days with the one and only?        

Given some of your recent stories, I thought you would be interested in learning more about our community and great opportunities that Smooth Transitions has to offer.  I will be following up before the end of the week by telephone to see if you are interested in additional information or answer any questions. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at (888) 777-7777  if I can be of assistance.  

Best regards, 

Angela Knobloch
Smooth Transitions 
Public Relations
(888) 777-7777

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